How do I Decide what Furniture will Fit in my New Home?

Space planning can help reduce the stress of deciding what furniture to take to your new home.  You can get help space planning from a senior move manager, family member, friend, or do it yourself.   No matter how it is done, or who does it, any kind of space plan is better than none.  Even if you do not have a completely accurate space plan, having any space plan helps you start to think about which pieces of furniture take priority over the others, in the case that everything does not fit as you had hoped.  Having even a general space plan starts to reduce the number of pieces you will have to decide about under the pressure of moving day, or by having to deal with the furniture later.

Kim Forrester
Senior Move Manager


 You can have your space plan drawn out or you can use painter tape to mark the floor where you are anticipating placing each piece of furniture.  However you do it, I recommend leaving at least 3' walkways.  This may not seem important now, but if you recover from a surgery or fall, or just throughout the process of aging, you may find yourself, even if temporarily, using a walker or wheel chair.  The event itself, and getting used to a walker or wheel chair, will be frustrating enough, let alone having to get furniture moved for you to get around.  You want to get back to your daily routine as smoothly as possible while adjusting to a wheel chair or walker.

 A space plan not only keeps moving day easier, but it allows you to take advantage of the labor you have available on move day for moving heavy pieces of furniture.  Having a plan allows you to take advantage of this service while you have it.  The movers can place and adjust your furniture to exactly where you want it.

 If you are able to get a floor plan of your new home, this can help you get an early start and a general idea of what will fit.  The floor plan may not be exact, but again, it is a good starting point for getting and idea of what will fit, and allow you to start to consider which pieces you will let go of first.

 Downsizing and moving can be stressful, no matter the circumstances, but especially if it has to happen quickly and without a plan.  Having a space plan is just part of making the process a little easier, and a little less stressful.  It can be hard to let go of pieces of furniture that you have had and used for many years.  Waiting to make those decisions at the last minute can be harder, whereas thinking ahead gives you time to weigh the value of each piece you need to decide about, whether the value is sentimental, practical, or aesthetic.


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