Should I Get Help with Downsizing or Moving?

Kim Forrester
Senior Move Manager


Downsizing and moving can be overwhelming, stressful, and tiring. I am often concerned about my client's health as we go through the process. The family gets involved and wants to help but has limited time. Letting go of things can be hard but needs to be done, and many times at this stage in life, their children have already set up households and had children, and do not need or have room for additional items from you. Then to make matters worse, the market right now is not good for selling used items, and this can be heartbreaking.

If you can manage the downsizing and moving process without outside help, that is great and I encourage you to do that. The last two articles focused on how to work on the process and I plan to have additional articles with advice on that as well. However, do not feel bad if you need help. Those who are Seniors were raised in a generation of hard workers, so getting help for services can be hard. However, we are in an ever-changing world, and a Senior Move Manager is keeping up with the changes. If you think you will need help, the process will go much better if you contact a Senior Move Manager at the beginning. You can still do many of the things yourself, but a Senior Move Manager will make sure you are headed in the right direction and can help when needed.

Senior Move Managers can help keep the stress level down because they will likely already have a network of other companies they have used and found reliable, professional, and efficient, including moving companies, auctioneers, and trash removers. The Senior Move Manager will oversee the work when these companies are used so you do not have to worry about dealing with individual companies. A Senior Move Manager can help you decide what will fit in your new home, and provide encouragement when needed.

You are transitioning to a simpler life and I encourage you to keep the process as simple as possible. A Senior Move Manager can help move the process along, getting the best return on your items as possible, and balancing the time against the return to decide on the most cost-effective approach. If you would like to sell the items yourself, I would encourage you to do so if you enjoy the process because that will most likely get you the best profit from your items. However, if you do not enjoy the process, I encourage you to use your Senior Move Manager to coordinate with sources for the best solution.

Weigh your decisions balancing your mental and physical health against what you decide to do. If you enjoy going through the process of downsizing and moving, I encourage you to move forward and have fun while looking forward to this new stage of life. However, if you dread the process, I encourage you to seek outside help from a Senior Move Manager. Contacting a Senior Move Manager early in the process can help make the process more enjoyable and less stressful as you work together for the best solutions.


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