Why do I Feel Like I am Just Going in Circles as I Downsize?

Downsizing and moving is hard in so many ways. It is emotionally, physically, and mentally challenging. And to top it off, I am going to ask you to change a habit or predisposition you may have. But do not worry, it is only a temporary change. By looking at this project as "separate" from the way you may normally do things, it can keep you from feeling like you are going in circles and not getting anywhere. Feeling like you are going in circles will only add to the emotional, physical, and mental stress you may be feeling.


Kim Forrester
Senior Move Manager


You may have a habit, predisposition, or feel a responsibility to repurpose, repair, or recycle everything possible. That is not a habit I would ask you to change, but I do believe it is best to allow yourself to forgo that habit during this process. As you downsize, the most practical items to let go of are those that you have kept to repurpose or repair, but never did it. Also, depending on your current recycling program, recycling may mean an extra step in the process, or taking the time to look at or research every questionable item. In addition to taking that time, these items can end up being put aside to deal with later and can eventually be moved around several times without any progress being made. By reminding yourself that your downsizing and moving project is "separate" from the way you normally do things will help you move forward and feel more comfortable with letting go of those habits during the project.

Another habit that may keep you going in circles is setting things aside for specific people or places. People who are generous and/or do not like to see things wasted are likely to do this. However, again you may end up just moving around piles until you see the person or make the special delivery, then they might not want it anyway. It is oaky to do what is best for you. Again, by seeing this project as "separate" from how you normally do things can remind you and help you see that you need to take care of yourself more than your items. There may be a situation where a family member or someone says "Why did you donate that, I would have taken it?". It is okay, they will be fine. They do not realize what how emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding this process is for you, and they really do care more about you then the item you did not know they wanted. They may eventually see how much strain the project was on you and will eventually understand you had to make decisions that kept you moving forward. And if not, they will still be fine.

Take care of yourself during this process, and remember this project is "separate" from the way you normally do things. It is not good for you if wanting to repurpose, repair, recycle, or give away a lot of things holds you back and keeps you going in circles. So allow yourself some grace and remember that it is okay to put your emotional, mental, and physical health first, over the items, environment, and other people or organizations during this project. You can go back to your normal ways after this project is complete, and have a fresh start on being environmentally conscious, frugal, and generous after this project is finished. Stay healthy!


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